![]() You may be struggling to find ways to start your own business. The number one problem that may be holding you back from establishing your business -- lack of funds! In this article, our a boutique travel and lifestyle public relations agency has teamed up with Webster Solutions, to share useful information to fund your business. Bootstrapping Bootstrapping is defined as the means to provide funding to your business on your own, without utilizing outside sources in doing so. You usually do Bootstrapping at an entry level operating mode, when the operation of your online business has just begun. Your family members, relatives, friends, and other loved ones can invest funds for it to help you. You don’t have to necessarily be the only person who will provide funding for your new tech business. Personal financial help is usually better, in comparison, into entering into business loans. Business loans entail high add-on interest rates that you have to pay off, in addition to the funds borrowed. Bootstrapping gives you the peace of mind of not having to pay back business investment funds to people who you interact with on a personal basis, if your tech business is not successful. Crowdfunding Crowdfunding is similar to obtaining loans, pre-order funds, contribution or investment money from multiple people simultaneously. Any individual or entity you know and come in contact with can help you fund your tech business to help you become a successful online entrepreneur. The following steps comprise of the overall process on ways crowdfunding is done:
Request Help from Angel Investors Angel investors are good hearted individuals, who are simultaneously interested in unique start-up businesses. Online platforms are good places where you can find possible angel investors. Google, Yahoo, and Alibaba are examples of online businesses that have been established as products of investments that angel investors made. Angel investors are usually people who possess surplus cash. These people may be groups of individuals who evaluate the uniqueness of entrepreneurs’ proposals. Angel investors invest on unique proposals that are sufficient to potentially take off in the business markets. What’s more, there are angel investors who provide bonus advice and business coaching to up and coming tech entrepreneurs, like you! It’s important to keep in mind, though, that angel investors are usually only able to invest small amounts of money in start-up businesses. At least, however, these individuals help out in aiding the establishment and growth of businesses in small ways they’re able to do so. Ask for Business Investment Aid from Incubators and Accelerators Incubators and accelerators exist to provide customized aid to provide business fundings to start-ups on an annual basis. These investors usually have the means to provide sufficient financial investments for tech start-up businesses to both be established, and potentially grow in the market. Dropbox and Airbnb are examples of online businesses that have been able to be of service to tons of customers, thanks to the aid of either the incubator or the accelerator program. The incubator and the accelerator programs are sources for potential successful professional connections with flourishing entrepreneurs, business coaches, investors, and other start-up business owners. Acquisition of Government Aid Your start-up business may qualify for government aid, depending on the region or country where your business is physically based or located. There are several national governments that see the value of investing in innovative businesses, that, in turn, may make substantial contributions to local economic growth. Once you have secured the funding for your business, our team will help you to create an online presence for your business – website development, search engine optimization and social media marketing Contact us today to design your websites and applications. By Vishal Dudhal, partner, Webster Solutions and consultant for Allen Marketing Communications, Inc.
![]() The style and creativity in doing content marketing vary from person to person. Usually, people who do content marketing are either writers or digital marketers, or both. Doing content marketing, though, typically requires the inception of unique strategies and ideas. In this article, our a boutique travel and lifestyle public relations agency has teamed up with Webster Solutions, to provide a personalized guide for content marketing. Make Sure Content is Clear and Realistic Ensure your content is written in a way that delivers a message without stirring up a confusion among readers. If readers aren’t able to understand what your content says, they are not going to relate or identify with it. You lose readers as your potential customers if they distance themselves away from your content. Likewise, if your content gives false promises, you mislead your readers or potential customers. One of the things that can turn your potential customers off for good is getting misled, and, thus, receiving false promises. Identifies With the Needs of the Buyers Your content has to be appealing, without sounding forceful in winning readers as customers. Content marketing angles towards being informative, instead of sales. But, even so, your content needs to imply its relation with or identification to the needs of the buyers. Failure to do so will not evoke a final call to action from potential customers. One of the ways your content can identify with the buyers’ needs is through the discussion of issues potential customers can relate to. These issues can be everyday events that are somehow related to the products and services your business sells and offers. Analyze Analytics to Monitor Your Content’s Success The evidence says it all when it comes to proving a success as it occurs. With this said, analyzing the Google analytics of your content is the key to finding out if it’s successfully visible on Google. Being successfully visible on Google equips your content to maximize its chances of reaching out to the target audiences it’s meant to reach. The primary Google analytic that’s helpful for you to utilize in measuring your content’s success is search engine optimization or SEO. Thus, the inclusion of high-ranking keywords without doing keyword stuffing in doing so is the primary means of enabling your content to rank on SEO in Google search results. Put keywords, ideally, on the first, middle, and end of the paragraphs of your content only to avoid keyword stuffing. Maintain Your Content’s Consistency and Keep it Regularly Updated Keep the keywords in your content consistent in accordance to the daily or weekly trends on Google search. You can use popular keyword research tools, like Ahref and Google keyword planner, in searching for regularly updated trending keywords. Furthermore, you have to see to it the information in your content is regularly updated to make it accurate. Giving false information is a ground for your content to be tagged as spammy, and, hence, for Google to likely take it off its search results. Plus, readers or audiences that come across inaccurate information in your content are going to likely deem you as untrustworthy and unbelievable. The provider of the information of any sort is responsible in ensuring the facts and data provided are accurate and true. You Can Reuse Your Content The good news about doing content marketing is that there’s no downside in reusing or repurposing your content. Reusing your content means you can repost it on several websites and social media platforms simultaneously. Each site or online platform has a different set of audiences. So, likely, you shouldn’t encounter any audiences or readers that’ll complain that you repeat sharing the same information and data in the content you post. Align Your Content Marketing Efforts with the Concepts of Platforms The concepts are compatible with the platforms your articles are posted on if you align your content marketing efforts with the websites’ themes. Audiences don’t find it attractive that the places where your articles are found don’t appear harmoniously with the content. Our team is here to help. Give us a call. By Vishal Dudhal, partner, Webster Solutions and consultant for Allen Marketing Communications, Inc. ![]() Generation X, also known as the “sandwich generation,” are consumers born from 1965 to 1980. As we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, Gen Xers, although often forgotten by marketers, will play an important role on the road to recovery for travel, food and beverages industries. It is no secret the Covid-19 pandemic has taken a financial toll on all generations, inspiring some individuals to retire, leave the workplace and pursue entrepreneurial ventures. According to E-Marketers, Gen Xer’s “household incomes—averaging $106,173 pretax in 2019, according to the latest available data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)—have been well above the US average.” Despite this fact, Generation Xers are frugal spenders, often looking for deals and special promotions due to the economic downturn either through layoffs or reduced hours brought on by the pandemic. Allen Marketing Communications, a boutique New York City travel and lifestyle public relations, encourages savvy marketers to keep Gen Xers as part of their marketing priorities since there is considerable spending power to help with the road to recovery for the travel, food and beverage and hospitality industries. Although this generation is doing double duty raising their kids while caring for aging parents, here are key insights for targeting this generation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Search Engine Optimization It is really important for savvy marketers to invest in SEO keywords and really optimize an eye catching, easy to navigate website for online searches. Gen Xers will search the internet for deals, as well as conduct cost comparisons for consumer products prior to making purchases either in person or online. Research shows “Gen Xers spend at least three hours a day on their mobiles and it is important to optimize your website for mobile usage – website loads quickly on mobile applications, links work and text is easy to read on screen.” Post COVID-19 Travel The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked a trend – Flexication – families travel off peak, stay longer in a destination, parents work remotely and children participate in remote learning. Gen Xers who embraced Flexication during the pandemic are likely to embrace this new family travel trend as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, “67 percent of families who embarked on a Flexication would embark on a similar trip” according to Expedia Group. The Covid-19 vaccines and boosters shots have made it safe for families to travel for some quality time together. Once again, if the price is right, then this generation will buy. Special promotions such as “book three nights and get the fourth one free” are very appealing for Gen Xers. Rewards programs are also important with this group building loyal consumers and it will inspire them to redeem their points for their next vacation. “From chalets in the mountains to cottages on the beach, vacation rentals have been a go-to for travelers over the last couple of years because of the space and privacy they provide. And both seasoned renters and newbies to renting are expected to return to these kinds of accommodations in 2022,” according to Family Vacationist. Other amenities such as complimentary Wi-Fi will also inspire Gen Xers to book a stay, as well as help them uncover all the interesting things to do nearby. Post COVID-19 Food and Beverage Industries The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated interest among Gen Xers in plant-based food, as well as functional food and beverages to boost one’s immunity naturally. “In Innova’s 2020 consumer survey, consumers cited choosing foods that are naturally high in nutrients as one of the top means of achieving immune health, behind getting enough sleep and being physically healthy. Overall, nearly 60 percent of global consumers said they were looking for food and beverages to help them in this regard,” according to Food Business News. Gen Xers have been advocates for sustainable foods often purchasing organic dairy products and vegetables at local farmers markets. Organic food consumption will continue in a post COVID-19 world. “Functional foods are ingredients that offer health benefits that extend beyond their nutritional value. Some types contain supplements or other additional ingredients designed to improve health,” according to Healthline. “Some examples include foods fortified with vitamins, minerals, probiotics, or fiber. Nutrient-rich ingredients like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains are often considered functional foods as well,” reports Healthline. Social Media Research shows that”50 percent of Gen Xers are really not influenced by social media.” Despite this fact, Facebook is the social media of choice to reach this demographic group and it is important to have a presence on this platform. Generation Xers are also active on LinkedIn and Twitter. It is important to include social media ads on these platforms to reach Gen Xers. Our travel and lifestyle public relations professionals are here to help savvy marketers reach this influential yet often overlooked demographic group. By Joanna Allen, chief executive officer, Allen Marketing Communications, Inc. ![]() The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated early retirement for many Baby boomers, consumers born between 1945 and 1966. The pandemic has forced this generation to reevaluate the work - life balance, their health and the things that are important to them. Did you know . . .
Allen Marketing Communications, a boutique NYC PR travel and lifestyle agency, stays abreast of industry changes and advises our clients to adapt their marketing strategy for targeting Baby boomers during the pandemic. Here are a few trends to consider when marketing to this generation. Search Engine Optimization During the Covid-19 pandemic, Baby boomers have become much more tech savvy as the world pivoted and moved many activities online. Savvy marketers should invest in a user-friendly, easy to navigate website. Quick, easy to read content which gets to the point will appeal to this generation. It is really important to invest in SEO keywords and to truly optimize your company’s website to help this generation uncover the unique attributes for your brand. It helps to have a chat feature on your website with a live customer service representative who can answer any questions Baby boomers may have as they are surfing your website. Social Media Facebook is still the social media platform to target a large concentration of Baby Boomers. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Facebook has been the platform to keep this generation connected with loved ones and families. Research also shows that “30 percent of baby boomers say that contributing to their community is important to them. Baby boomers value their community and seek to support it.” Recently, Facebook has launched a new feature in Canada and the US called Neighborhoods. The idea is to support local businesses, while also giving people the ability to share tips in local groups and meet neighbours with common interests.” (Source: Team Lewis) Although Facebook is the preferred social media platform for Baby Boomers, this generation has been exploring TikTok and Instagram, not to the extent of their Millennial or Gen Z generation, but as a way to overcome the loneliness and isolation during the pandemic. Travel The Covid-19 vaccines and boosters have made it safe for Baby boomers to explore the world once again. After two years of lockdowns and restrictions, there is demand for socially distant, GOAT (Greatest of All Time) trips. Research shows this generation will spend a little more for longer vacations, sometimes buying out a villa or hotel to facilitate family reunions with their children and grandchildren. This group has the disposable income to cover expenses associated with the multigenerational travel and destinations, hotels and cruises are wise to offer travel experiences to appeal to the different ages in the traveling party. This generation is likely to use a travel advisor to help plan a bucket list vacation and navigate the ongoing changes as it pertains to lockdowns, restrictions and vaccine requirements for different destinations. Health Oriented Food and Beverage Products Baby boomers will continue to lead the way as it pertains to organic, natural foods. This generation has influenced the general public to adopt a healthy, holistic diet and lifestyle often inspiring dietary crazes featuring low-fat and low carb diets. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated an interest in plant-based foods as a natural way to boost one’s immunity. “Food Industry Executive found that three in 10 Baby Boomers claimed to be eating more plant-based food due to the pandemic; and with 59 percent of Boomers claiming to now be eating healthier overall, plant-based product’s inherent healthy halo is a perfect place to innovate,” according to FONA International. According to Amica Senior Lifestyles, “the two new hobbies seniors are embracing during the pandemic are cooking (41 percent) and baking (three percent). This provides ample opportunity for innovation with meal kits and baking mixes, especially when 25 percent of Baby Boomers cited their biggest challenge when cooking at home is coming up with new meal ideas, and 24 percent cited lack of innovation to cook.” This generation has also explored functional foods as a natural way to boost their energy and to make them feel better. Another fun fact. This generation has embraced technology – Zoom calls with loved ones, tele-health sessions with their primary physicians and online shopping. Our travel and lifestyle public relations team understands Baby boomers are brand loyal. This generation has worked hard during their career and they are willing to invest in the right food product, travel and lifestyle brand. We are here to help. Give us a call. By Joanna Allen, chief executive officer, Allen Marketing Communications, Inc. ![]() Social media is a common place online where people connect nowadays on a personal basis. The trending era of social media use continuously grow. So, business networking in social media has recently been practiced on a widespread basis, as well. In this article, our a boutique travel and lifestyle public relations agency has teamed up with Webster Solutions, shares tips for using social media to book your brand. Boosts Your Business’ Converting Prospect If you post business information on social media, you increase your chances of boosting your click-through rates. Even if your click-through rates are low, though, social media presence still augments the chances your business gets and keeps new and loyal customers. Enables You to Implement a Targeted Advertising Scheme Making your business visible in social media allows you to target certain demographic populations to potentially become your future customers. Such a case is the situation as there are multiple groups in social media that each comprises of a certain demographic. You’ll soon discover that it’s not hard to search for these groups in Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and other social media sites. It’s easier to win new customers if you’re aware which people are likely going to need and want the products and services your business sells and offers. Boosts Your Brand’s Publicity Doing publicity is the first step in the brand building process. And, due to the large number of people connected in social media, passing news in it through word of mouth is quick and easy to do. It’s important to keep in mind, though, it’s imperative your brand makes a good impression on the first few potential customers that are going to come across it in social media. There are many instances that first impressions last. So, if your brand makes a good first impression, there are good chances people will recommend it to their loved ones and other people around them. Boosts the Organic Ranking of Your Business’ Website on Google Social media, indeed, is interconnected with SEO and Google search. So, if you share your website’s main page on social media, the former is able to enhance its organic ranking on Google search. You may not notice it sooner, but, your business website’s visibility on social media may be a factor that influences top SEO Google ranking. So, don’t be surprised if you see that your business website is at the first page of Google search results after it has been visible on social media after quite some time! Social Media is the Best Place to Share Your Brand’s Story People find it appealing to patronize products and services that have stories they can personally relate to. Social media is an online platform to share stories. So, you’ll likely beat the market competition by sharing your brand’s story on your Facebook business page. Aids in Helping You Build Connection with Prospective Business Partners Through the passage of time, the reasons why people in general use social media have changed. Now, people don’t just use social media for personal reasons. Social media is now used for business and professional purposes, as well. With this said, you can, thus, find it easy to build connection with potential business partners now through social media. Business Social Networking is Cost Effective The creation of business pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is free of charge. So, you actually have nothing to lose, and have profits and customers to potentially gain by creating business pages in the said social media sites. Social Networking Aids in Repurposing Your Content You don’t have to write fresh content every time you’ll post an article on each of your account in various social media sites. You can still get the approximately similar number of followers when you post the same content on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Repurposing your content saves you of having to invest time and energy frequently writing new content or articles. The information shared in this article may be new to you. Be patient when waiting for optimal results come out of doing business social media marketing. Try social networking, and you’ll discover why it’s worth it to do so when it boosts your business’ growth in the market down the road. Our team is here to help. Give us a call. By Vishal Dudhal, partner, Webster Solutions and consultant for Allen Marketing Communications, Inc. |
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